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VIALS: 1 x 100 mg.
I.V., intrathecal, S.C. See prescribing information for full details.
Prescribing RestrictionsKupah Pharmacy Only 

VIALS: 1 x 500 mg + 10 ml diluent.
This package has been discontinued.
I.V. See prescribing information for full details.
Prescribing Restrictions:  None

VIALS: 1 x 1 G.
I.V. See prescribing information for full details.
Prescribing Restrictions:  None

Hypersensitivity to the drug.
Special Precautions:
Only physicians experienced in cancer chemotherapy should use this drug.
Side Effects:
Anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, megaloblastosis and reduced reticulocytes, white cell depression follows a biphasic course, an initial fall starting the first 24 hours followed by a brief rise which peaks around the twelfth day. A deeper fall reaches nadir at days 15-24. Then a rapid rise to above baseline in the next 10 days. Platelet depression is noticeable at 5 days with a peak depression occurring between days 12-15. Thereupon, a rapid rise to above baseline occurs in the next 10 days. Infection, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hepatic dysfunction, fever, rash, thrombophlebitis. Severe, and at times fatal, CNS, GI and pulmonary toxicity has been reported following high dose (2-3 g/m2) schedules.
Drug Interactions:
Combinations with other antineoplastic or myelosuppressive agents or radiation therapy enhance cytotoxic as well as immunosuppressive activity for drugs in some instances. Digoxin levels should be closely monitored. Gentamicin.